Real quick post to keep track of my times for the tempo run today. Goal: 1 mile easy, 5 miles at planned marathon pace (PMP), 1 mile easy. My PMP is 9:10. I think today is the first time I actually made my goal! Here's how I did. Much better on the pacing this time around. I think the differences in times have more to do with my inability to hit the "lap" button on the iPhone stop watch at the *exact* invisible mile marker. Obviously this would be easier on a tread mill, but what fun is that?
Mile 1: 8:59
Mile 2: 9:32
Mile 3: 9:05
Mile 4: 9:45
Mile 5: 8:41
Total: 46:02 (9:12/mile)
I can tell the speed training is paying off. Once again, I had speed training on Tuesday, and I hated it. 4 x 800m, 2 minute rest interval. Today, however, I was able to think to myself, "this feels a bit better than speed training, but I'm still working hard, this must be the perfect pace." And it was! Hurray! I'm totally proud of my run today.
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